PE Profit Ladder Market Watch Newsletter: M&A predictions for 2024

M&A predictions for 2024

We'll see some solid and largely opportunistic exits this year as PE firms seek to monetize holdings that were not ready to trade in the 2H2020-1H2022 wave, or do platform holding carveouts to return some capital to investors. 2023 M&A was slower as interest rates increased of course, but with better signals now there will be more movement in 2024. There is still $2.59 trillion of dry powder (per S&P Global) and a $2.8 trillion looming exit pileup (per Bain & Co.) But I predict significant activity this year will be around getting assets ready (making them as pretty as possible) for a bigger M&A push in early 2025. #privateequity #bigmoneyinfranchising #mergersacquisitionsdivestitures #wheretospendallthatdrypower

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